Why King CharlesĀ  is the Antichrist

The Horns of Babylon

We have established that the horns are people. Unfortunately, there is no clear information or anything you can cross-reference. These ten horns do not have crowns, making them non-royal, unlike the horns of Revelation 13. There really is very little to go on as to who they are. They hate the harlot, which makes it even harder to understand. Every group of people in power tends to love the harlot. The contemporary rivals of the USA are already kings in their own right. It gets a little surreal when the most likely candidates for the ten are some mystery group behind the scenes, probably involved in finance in some way. That would make them powerful, but not kings. How they would get to be kings for just one hour is a mystery that will unfold before our eyes in the future. They receive this for an hour at some point. The most likely point in time would be the destruction of Babylon. These financial people are fully behind the royals' one-world government. Because of the USA's criminal behaviour and hopeless decision-making, the vision of a one-world government is bleeding to death in the wheat fields of Ukraine. God has stood against them, and now they are facing financial ruin as well. The time is right for there to be moves behind closed doors for new leadership. All these people We have established that the horns are people. Unfortunately, there is no clear information or anything you can cross-reference. These ten horns do not have crowns, making them non-royal, unlike the horns of Revelation 13. There really is very little to go on as to who they are. They hate the harlot, which makes it even harder to understand. Every group of people in power tends to love the harlot. The contemporary rivals of the USA are already kings in their own right. It gets a little surreal when the most likely candidates for the ten are some mystery group behind the scenes, probably involved in finance in some way. That would make them powerful, but not kings. How they would get to be kings for just one hour is a mystery that will unfold before our eyes, point in time would be the destruction of Babylon. These financial people are fully behind the royals' one-world government. Because of the USA's criminal behaviour and hopeless decision-making, the vision of a one-world government is bleeding to death in the wheat fields of Ukraine. God has stood

against them, and now they are facing financial ruin as well. The time is right for there to be moves behind closed doors for new leadership. All these people are linked together. King Charles was certainly at the forefront of driving the globalist agenda.