Why King Charles  is the Antichrist

It is done. A new Age begins.

As the seventh angel empties his bowl into the atmosphere, a powerful voice proclaims, “It is finished.” An unprecedented earthquake hits the earth, resulting in every island submerging and all mountains collapsing. Cities lie in ruins, with buildings reduced to debris. Following this, massive hailstones weighing 100 pounds (45.36 kg) will shower down upon humanity. These events signal the approaching advance of the Lord's armies. How many souls remain to be gathered? The global population stands at 8 billion, of which the black rider eliminates 25%, equating to 2 billion, leaving a total of 6 billion. Subsequently, the kings of the East reap another 33%, amounting to 2 billion more, which brings the count-down to 4 billion. This earthquake sinks islands and devastates cities and demolishes mountains. In Indonesia alone, with a population nearing 300 million, an additional 2 billion could be lost at minimum. Consequently, when the hailstones fall, it’s apparent that only six or seven hundred million individuals may still survive at that moment. Similar to other passages in Revelation, this narrative suggests a pause followed by a significant event. It is finished.

At this juncture, the beast has ruled for more than 42 months, with the Antichrist in power and actively persecuting the saints. Numerous saints have resisted bowing to the beast or providing aid to the 144,000 and the two witnesses, which has resulted in their deaths. Nevertheless, they are recognized as triumphant, having overcome the beast's power.

Great and amazing are your deeds,
O Lord God the Almighty!
Just and true are your ways,