

Twenty years ago, Tartaria was thought of as a myth. In 2012, the Russian Government made available to the public much of their archives regarding Tartaria, as the history of Tartaria was also the history of much of Russia. At its simplest it is just an old name for most of the old Soviet Union. The origins were Scythians nomads that slowly developed into countries. Some flags and emblems have the same dragon on them as the Tartarians. By far the biggest of these countries was Khazaria, but the region got the name of Tartaria.
Tartaria covered as far as the Pacific Ocean and some say beyond. Khazaria, as with other countries of Tartaria, had a government system with a ruling elite. The average citizen was brown skin and average height. The ruling elite, and there is excellent evidence about Khazaria of this, were tall, fair skinned, blue-eyed, and had reddish/fair hair. In Khazaria there were nine tribes, all ruled by a tenth, the elite.
There are descriptions of Genghis Khan as being tall, white skinned and fair haired. The word Kahn, meaning ruler, originates from Khazaria. The rulers of the nine tribes of Khazaria were known as Kahn's.
Tartaria never developed vast cities as happened in the west. That may have been a geographical issue, though more likely the system of ruling by tens. Ten kings would have ten sub rulers and each of those would have ten sub rulers.
We are interested in Tartaria, as it seemed to be the home of the angels that fell with Satan. It was also the home of the Khazarian Jews. The Philadelphia Jews who are not Jews. The Rothschild's and Rockefeller etc. It was also the home of the Saxons. These people moved from what will be Tartaria to Troy. When Troy was destroyed, most moved to Saxony. The Saxons took over the Royal houses of Europe through Otto the Great, The First Germany Ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, and his children married into the royals of the time. From there they married into every Royal house of Europe. The Saxons is not a good name for these people as our groups used it already. Otto’s surname was Von Volger. The Black Volgers would be as good a name as any. As we look at today's world and things being done, they make no sense. If you can see who is behind the scenes, and suddenly makes sense.