Why King Charles  is the Antichrist

The Great Calm

'I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth, sea or against any tree.' These angels are not meteorologists. Therefore, we are not talking about the weather.  We are talking about the winds being the winds of change, and the sea is the people. In Zechariah, we see other angels keeping the earth calm. The coloured riders are sent to the four corners of the world to keep things quiet. All heaven and earth are taking a deep breath and then plunging into the last days.
The Great Calm happens in Revelations 7:1. What is the great calm? Is this to do with the weather? Rev. 7:1 says After this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth, sea, or against any tree. The weather is partly caused by the rotation of the earth but is mainly caused by the sun's energy hitting the Earth. If you hear the sun's activity has never been as quiet as this in some news report, that will be an event that could fit into the great calm. But it just doesn't seem possible. It is most likely to be the winds of change concept. Was there a period when no countries were at war with each other? Not people fighting for freedom, that never stops, or minor strife, but genuine wars. You get a period from 1953 to 1957 where there was peace. There was a computer program developed that would work out the dullest day in the 20th century. That day turned out to be 15th of October 1954. This calm is the signal that the 144000 are about to appear. These saints are to receive a seal on their foreheads. In the Bible, this kind of seal is not uncommon. Occasionally, it is physical, but usually, it is spiritual.